Football Kicking Camps Instruction
Ray Guy - Inspiration for Learning
From his extraordinary high school accomplishments to the NFL's 75th Anniversary All-Time Team and NFL's 100 Greatest Players, Ray Guy's unparalleled career as a kicking "specialist" is the inspiration for the curriculum of the Ray Guy Football Kicking Camps. Ray's phenomenal achievements and years of learning experiences can help take your game to a higher level. Gain more confidence as a result and develop highly effective practice habits needed to continually improve your skills.
Our concentrated program of instruction focuses on the specific skills of kicking (straight-on and soccer style), punting and long snapping. Learn techniques that serve as a blueprint for a career of practice and improvement through lecture, demonstrations, training aids, video analysis, developmental drills and individualized instruction.
"Being prepared is the key to winning that starting position, earning a college scholarship or ultimately playing professionally. That is why our main objective with every Ray Guy Kicking Camp event is to provide every participant focused "individualized" instruction allowing each athlete to develop their own "natural" style. Even though there are basic, easy to understand guidelines to follow when developing kicking, punting and snapping skills, not all athletes kick, punt or snap the same way. We help every athlete understand not only where "their skill" needs improvement but also what they are doing naturally that is already correct. This way, athletes learn at a much faster pace allowing them to accomplish our program goal of "learning how to be your own coach."
- Rick Sang, Ray Guy Camps Director