Be self-reliant and proactive marketing yourself for college recruitment. In today’s world of social media, you do not need to invest in expensive recruiting services. Many of these services only share information that YOU can promote yourself. College coaches want to find you through credible sources and interact with you personally. 
Here are a few simple ways:
  • Get a Ray Guy Recruiting Web Page for College Coaches. It’s simple to use and we can help you get started! Maximize recruiting exposure by allowing college coaches and recruiters immediate access to game highlights (Hudl) video links, YouTube videos (game footage only), performance photos, team related statistics and accomplishments. of the most visible kicking, punting and long snapping websites on the internet, provides immediate access to state, regional and national rankings. College coaches and recruiters can quickly find credible information on athletes and link directly to individual webpages... accessing valuable recruiting and scholarship information.  Sample: Recruiting Web Page       Purchase Now
  • Create your own “X” account (formerly Twitter) with content focused on your athletic skills. Contact the colleges YOU are interested in! More specifically contact (and follow) the Special Teams Coach and (or) position coach at those schools. Keep it simple, keep it clean and be conscientious of what you Tweet and Re-Tweet. Communicate by posting your accomplishments, send direct messages, etc. You will open the door to receive personal invites to their camps.
  • Consider getting an Instagram account and provide content as aforementioned. Again, you can communicate with college coaches through this platform.
  • Use email. College coaches use email. Reach out to them. You can sometimes find their email on their school’s website. If not, pursue them through social media (“X” and Instagram).
  • Another option: Visit, buy your own URL address (your name) and create your very own website. Again, keep it simple, keep it clean and be conscientious of the content. Focus on what college coaches are looking for – contact info (include your coach), personal bio, academic info, statistics, pictures, links to personal articles, game highlights, rankings, honors, etc. (Please note: the Recruiting Webpage will provide this service for you!)

