Kicker / Punter Rankings By State
State Rankings - MO
Top Kickers
Rank | Name | Avg. Kickoff Distance | Best Kickoff Distance | Avg. Kickoff Hangtime | Best Kickoff Hangtime | Field Goal Accuracy |
1 | Gage Schantz 4.5⭐️K | 58.75 | 64.00 | 3.69 | 3.81 | 60% |
2 | Vaughn Trutzel 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 54.75 | 57.00 | 3.1575 | 3.31 | 80% |
3 | Johnathan Williams. 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 56.5 | 58.00 | 3.53 | 3.69 | 50% |
4 | Logan Bizzle | 28.5 | 30.00 | 2.235 | 2.59 | 60% |
Top Punters
Rank | Name | Avg. Distance | Best Distance | Avg. Hangtime | Best Hangtime |
1 | Vaughn Trutzel 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 30.376 | 37.00 | 3.259 | 3.64 |
2 | Johnathan Williams. 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 32.75 | 47.00 | 3.07 | 3.59 |
3 | Logan Bizzle | 16.713 | 23.00 | 2.792 | 3.15 |
4 | Maddax Nicholson | 17.75 | 20.00 | 2.708 | 3.06 |
Top Long Snappers
Top Kicker / Punter Combos
Rank | Name | Field Goal Accuracy | Type | Kickoff Distance | Kickoff Hangtime | Punting Distance | Punting Hangtime |
1 | Vaughn Trutzel 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 80% | Average | 54.75 | 3.1575 | 30.376 | 3.259 |
Best | 57.00 | 3.31 | 37.00 | 3.64 | |||
2 | Johnathan Williams. 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 50% | Average | 56.5 | 3.53 | 32.75 | 3.07 |
Best | 58.00 | 3.69 | 47.00 | 3.59 | |||
3 | Logan Bizzle | 60% | Average | 28.5 | 2.235 | 16.713 | 2.792 |
Best | 30.00 | 2.59 | 23.00 | 3.15 |
Top Punters / Kick-off Specialists
Rank | Name | Type | Kickoff Distance | Kickoff Hangtime | Punting Distance | Punting Hangtime |
1 | Johnathan Williams. 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | Average | 56.5 | 3.53 | 32.75 | 3.07 |
Best | 58.00 | 3.69 | 47.00 | 3.59 | ||
2 | Vaughn Trutzel 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | Average | 54.75 | 3.1575 | 30.376 | 3.259 |
Best | 57.00 | 3.31 | 37.00 | 3.64 | ||
3 | Logan Bizzle | Average | 28.5 | 2.235 | 16.713 | 2.792 |
Best | 30.00 | 2.59 | 23.00 | 3.15 |
Top Kick-off Specialists
Rank | Name | Avg. Kickoff Distance | Best Kickoff Distance | Avg. Kickoff Hangtime | Best Kickoff Hangtime |
1 | Gage Schantz 4.5⭐️K | 58.75 | 64.00 | 3.69 | 3.81 |
2 | Johnathan Williams. 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 56.5 | 58.00 | 3.53 | 3.69 |
3 | Vaughn Trutzel 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 54.75 | 57.00 | 3.1575 | 3.31 |
4 | Logan Bizzle | 28.5 | 30.00 | 2.235 | 2.59 |
Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.