Long Snappers

Display Top 25 50 75 100 Players
RankNameAvg. Snap TimeBest Snap TimeAccuracy Points
1Henry Shannon 4⭐️LS0.850.7719
2Christopher Richards 4.5⭐️LS0.870.8218
3Mason Byrd 4⭐️LS0.880.8217
4Jacob Kearney 4⭐️LS0.860.8016
5Bryson Maloney 4⭐️LS0.960.9018
6Elijah Smith 4⭐️LS0.970.8715
7Jacob Hall 4⭐️LS0.980.9014
8Sullivan May 3.5⭐️LS0.920.8211
9Jimmy Hooks 3.5⭐️LS1.010.9513
10Tomas Cintron-Rivera 3.5⭐️LS0.860.827
11Perrin Barreca0.900.902
12Rivers Belk1.051.013

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.